The Shelby Fire Dept. wanted to replace their annual soup supper fundraiser that they had been doing for many years with something that was new and fresh. They wanted something that had not been done around their little part of the world yet. So, they came up with the idea of a Dodgeball Fundraiser, but really didn't think that it would get support from the Department. At the next monthly meeting, they voiced their opinion and the department loved the idea and instantly decided to go for it.
The Shelby Fire Dept. decided to do some checking on the internet and found the National Dodgeball League site. The NDL helped with the details of the tournament, pricing ideas, court set-up and also the rules and regulations of the game.
With the advertising that was done on local radio and TV stations, newspapers, county EMS coordinators, e-mail and plain old footwork of hanging up posters that we made at home, the word really spread far and fast.
Planning started at the beginning of March, with the actual games to be held on April 29th, 2006. The turnout was excellent! The fundraiser ended up with 20 teams attending counting one of their own Shelby Fire Dept team.
All of the bleachers were full with anxious spectators ready to cheer on their favorite teams. When it came down to the last three teams, you could feel the electricity in the air with everyone present. Even the most skeptical members of our department were impressed! The championship came down to two rival high school teams; it was an intense moment. Their own hometown high school team, the GT's Terminators, won the match and the crowd exploded with cheers.

As people were leaving everyone was talking about the success of the tourney and asking when the next tournament was. All in all, this was our most successful and entertaining fundraiser. It far surpassed our expectations of raising funds. The soup supper is officially OUT and Dodgeball is IN; as a matter of fact some of our members want to have another tournament this fall.
We made over $1980.00, our soup supper grossed us between $150-$250! We are confident that the next dodge ball games we have will be even better and can't wait to do it again. We really need a new rescue truck, and this is an excellent way to raise the money needed. I would recommend a dodge ball fundraiser for any non-profit organization.
Visit the Photogallery to view photos from this event.