Pick-up Etiquette – Individual
As dodgeball grows throughout the world, pick-up groups are spontaneously forming at the grass roots level via local gyms, community centers, and schools. Some are for competition, some are for fun, but all should follow a basic set of etiquette principles.
Individual Etiquette
- Pay any fees up front. Pick-up dodgeball games are great because they’re inexpensive and easy to organize. To keep a regular group going still involves facilities and equipment costs though. Help the person managing it by paying up to throw down.
- Abide by the rules. Don’t ride into a new group on a high horse about proper blocking technique. There are many ways to play dodgeball. Establish yourself as a regular. Then you can bring rule suggestions up for discussion with the person managing the group.
- Officiate yourself. With no referees, pick-up dodgeball runs on honesty. If the ball snags your shorts – suck it up, step to the queue, and cheer your teammates on for a catch. A new game is minutes away. Still unsure if you’re out or not? Let the group make the call.
- Don’t be a jerk. This should go without saying. Putting down teammates, obscene language, and inexorable (Thesaurus! I like to break a mental sweat too.) trash talk are frowned upon. This is a pick-up dodgeball game, lighten up.
- Thank the group leader for organizing the game. Handshakes, exploding fist bumps, hugs, and flattery on personal appearance are also acceptable.
- Talk about dodgeball with your friends and encourage others to come out and play. Groups need new blood to sustain numbers and mix up the competition. What better way to give back than by nailing your buddy with a dodgeball.
Continued, next month...

Brett BatkyVirginia Rampage, #67