Missed part 1? Read it here.

Pick-up Etiquette – Group
As dodgeball grows throughout the world, pick-up groups are spontaneously forming at the grass roots level via local gyms, community centers, and schools. Some are for competition, some are for fun, but all should follow a basic set of etiquette principles.
Group Etiquette
- Invite spectators to play. Pick-up groups are at the front lines of converting new fanatics. See those curious passer-bys? Change their lives by inviting them to join in the skirmish. In today’s sue first, ask questions later world it’s also a good idea to have some waivers handy to protect yourself and let newcomers know what they’re getting into.
- Greet/introduce players and make them feel welcome. Dodgeball has a bad rap for being a game of exclusion. Pick-up groups survive by being the exact opposite. Soften them up on the inside before softening them up on the outside. At the end, thank them for coming out and invite them back.
- Explain the rules. Using veterans as guinea pigs is encouraged. Give a quick rundown on the basics. Explain the more complicated stuff as it comes up on the court. Allow each person a warning to learn each rule.
- Don’t destroy the new people. While newbies can be easy cannon fodder, lighting them up like a Christmas tree won’t put them in the holiday or dodgeball spirit. Ease them into the game as they acclimate themselves to the speed and chaos around them.
- Insist that first timers play for free. You’re about to blast them with a dodgeball, it’s the least you can do.
- Rotate/change up teams. In addition to mixing up the competition, pick-up games are about making new friends and meeting potential love interests. Break the ice by catching that cute teammate back in. Just remember to keep your googly eyes focused on the dodgeballs until the game is over.

Brett BatkyVirginia Rampage, #67